Monday, March 28, 2011 Coming Soon!

Firstly, we want to apologize for being under the radar in the last few weeks...

We wanted to start this blog post with a quote Oprah said in her Master's Class:

 "Without preparation there is no luck in opportunity." 

We have been SO busy processing orders, shipping, accounting, marketing, and growing - yes, growing! We have been ready for this for a while! After hearing about the OPPORTUNITY to be featured in US Weekly, we pounced on it and literally slept, ate, and heard US Weekly! We are SO thankful to US Weekly for featuring SerenaLeena in their magazine in late February. We feel super blessed and LUCKY! Perhaps the charms we wear have led us to this place!

We are also SO thankful to all of our fans, customers, and friends. The feedback and personal stories we've heard in the last month have touched Leena and I so much. We are working on so many campaigns to help the community, sponsor charities and promoting special causes because of all of your touching stories. We will keep you posted on all of the upcoming events on our new site...Which leads us to the next part of our update!

We are so excited to announce that we're working on designing and developing our site. We should launch in the next month! We will have fashion jewelry, evil eye jewelry, and all of your favorite SerenaLeena pieces available on! We are still highly devoted to our Etsy customers and we LOVE and ADORE the Etsy community. Etsy has given us the chance to expand SerenaLeena, and we are forever grateful! We will continue to post our featured items on Etsy, as we love the experience!

Our luck has led us to a wonderful opportunity...It's up to us to seize the day!

We can't thank you enough!


  1. Your newest follower :)

    FOllow me too at

  2. Welcome, Neena! Thank you for your support! :)
