Saturday, September 10, 2011

Brazilian Blow - Wishes do come true...

We've all heard about it, we've all seen the photos and youtube videos about this miracle treatment - well, it finally came time to try it! 

The Brazilian Blowout is known to last up to 4 months with proper care and maintenance. The process takes about 2.5 hours and includes washing your hair, applying the treatment and then straightening your hair with the treatment. Ironically, after all of this, you must wash your hair and straighten it all over again; however, it is HEAVENLY. I am relieved of my hour long hair rituals and my hesitation of heat drying my hair! My hair feels healthy and alive and it looks absolutely beautiful, if I do say so myself.

I recommend it, 100%!!! If you've thought about it, stop thinking and get to doing. You won't be disappointed!


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